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Swaps & Rollover
“If you trade Forex or CFDs on a “”spot”” basis, all trades settle two business days from inception, as per market convention. The settlement date is referred to as the value date.
KUSHQI offers “”rolling spot”” forex. This means we don’t arrange physical delivery of currencies/precious metals, hence all positions left open from 23:59:45 to 23:59:59 (server time) will be rolled over to a new value date. As a result, positions are subject to a swap charge or credit as specified in the table below.
For Forex, when you roll an open position from Wednesday to Thursday on trade date basis, Monday of the following week becomes the new value date, not Saturday. Therefore, the rollover charge on a Wednesday evening will be three times the value indicated in the table.
For CFDs on a “”spot”” basis, when you roll an open position from Friday to Sunday, on trade date basis, Monday of the following week becomes the new value date, not Saturday. Therefore, the rollover charge on a Friday evening will be three times the value indicated in the table.