Acronym for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which refers to an organization that acts as a meeting ground for thirty countries which believe strongly in the free market system,
Acronym for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which refers to an organization that acts as a meeting ground for thirty countries which believe strongly in the free market system,
The elimination or reduction of a current long or short position by making a transaction with the same security in the opposite direction.
A brokerage that provides trading services to its clients over the Internet.
The buying and selling of government securities by a central bank (i.e. the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S.)
The sum of profit and loss from all your open positions.
The right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a specific amount of a given stock, commodity, currency, index or debt at a specified price (the strike price) during a specified period of time.
A computerized register of buy and sell orders for assets.
Over-the-Counter – a security which is not traded on an exchange.
A call option whose strike price is higher than the market price of the underlying, or a put option whose strike price is lower than the market price of the underlying.
A deal from today until the next business day.